Words That Start With Y

The English letter “Y” is the 25th letter in the alphabet and is unique in that it can function as both a consonant and a vowel. When used as a consonant, “Y” typically appears at the beginning of words, as in “yellow” or “yes.” As a vowel, “Y” often occurs in the middle or at the end of words, producing sounds similar to “I” or “E,” such as in “gym” or “happy.” The letter “Y” has a rich history, originating from the Greek letter upsilon, and plays a versatile role in English spelling and phonetics.

List of 300 words that start with the letter Y along with their meanings

  1. Yacht – A large, often luxurious, boat used for pleasure.
  2. Yack – To talk or chatter at length.
  3. Yaffle – To eat or drink noisily.
  4. Yahoo – A rude, loud, and uncivilized person.
  5. Yak – A large, domesticated wild ox with shaggy hair, found in Tibet.
  6. Yam – An edible starchy tuber.
  7. Yammer – To complain persistently.
  8. Yank – To pull something with a sudden, sharp movement.
  9. Yap – To bark sharply and shrilly, usually small dogs.
  10. Yard – A unit of measurement equal to 3 feet or an outdoor area.
  11. Yardage – Measurement or length in yards.
  12. Yarn – Thread used for knitting or weaving.
  13. Yaw – To swerve off course, especially in a ship or aircraft.
  14. Yawl – A type of sailing boat with two masts.
  15. Yawn – An involuntary action of opening one’s mouth wide due to tiredness or boredom.
  16. Yearbook – An annual publication documenting the events of the past year, often in schools.
  17. Yearling – An animal that is one year old, often used for horses or sheep.
  18. Yearn – To have an intense feeling of longing.
  19. Yeast – A fungus used in baking and brewing to ferment dough or liquid.
  20. Yell – To shout loudly, usually out of anger or excitement.
  21. Yellow – A bright color resembling that of ripe lemons.
  22. Yellowfin – A type of tuna with a yellow-colored fin.
  23. Yellowish – Slightly yellow in color.
  24. Yelp – A short, sharp cry, usually of pain or alarm.
  25. Yen – The basic monetary unit of Japan.
  26. Yenta – A person, especially a woman, who is a gossip or busybody.
  27. Yeoman – A person who owns and cultivates a small farm; historically, a member of a class of freeholders.
  28. Yesteryear – The past, especially as nostalgic.
  29. Yeti – A mythical creature said to inhabit the Himalayas, also known as the Abominable Snowman.
  30. Yield – To produce or provide something; to give way under pressure.
  31. Yip – A short, sharp cry, usually of excitement or surprise.
  32. Yippie – A member of a politically radical youth movement of the 1960s.
  33. Yodel – A form of singing in which the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal chest voice and falsetto.
  34. Yoga – A spiritual and physical practice involving breath control, meditation, and specific postures.
  35. Yogurt – A fermented milk product that is often eaten with fruit or sweeteners.
  36. Yokel – A derogatory term for an uneducated and unsophisticated person from the countryside.
  37. Yolk – The yellow, nutrient-rich part of an egg.
  38. Yonder – At some distance in the direction indicated.
  39. Yore – Time long past.
  40. Yowl – A long, loud cry, often of pain or distress.
  41. Yuan – The basic unit of currency in China.
  42. Yucky – Disgusting or unpleasant.
  43. Yuppie – A young, urban professional, typically regarded as materialistic.
  44. Yurt – A portable, round tent covered with skins or felt, used by nomads in Central Asia.
  45. Yutz – A fool or an idiot (slang).
  46. Yttrium – A chemical element, a rare earth metal.
  47. Yowie – A mythical ape-like creature reported to exist in parts of Australia.
  48. Yucca – A plant with sword-shaped leaves and white flowers, native to warm regions.
  49. Yule – An old term for the Christmas season, especially in pagan traditions.
  50. Yuletide – The Christmas season.
  51. Yardstick – A measuring stick that is one yard long.
  52. Yarmulke – A skullcap worn by Jewish men.
  53. Yeshiva – A Jewish educational institution focusing on the study of religious texts.
  54. Yew – A type of evergreen tree with red berries and poisonous seeds.
  55. Yielding – Giving way under pressure; flexible or accommodating.
  56. Yokefellow – A companion or colleague, often in a work or effort context.
  57. Yokemate – A fellow worker or friend.
  58. Yowza – An exclamation of surprise or approval (slang).
  59. Yabber – Talk at length about trivial matters (Australian slang).
  60. Yagi – A type of directional antenna.
  61. Yahrzeit – The anniversary of the death of a close relative, observed in Judaism.
  62. Yapok – A semi-aquatic opossum found in Central and South America.
  63. Ylem – The primordial matter that existed before the formation of chemical elements.
  64. Yatter – To chatter or talk incessantly.
  65. Yabby – A type of freshwater crayfish found in Australia.
  66. Yahooism – Crude or ignorant behavior.
  67. Yaba – A potent form of methamphetamine found in Southeast Asia.
  68. Yamen – The residence or office of a public official in imperial China.
  69. Yankeeism – A characteristic or expression typical of a Yankee.
  70. Yare – Agile, nimble, or quick.
  71. Yean – To give birth to a lamb or kid (related to sheep or goats).
  72. Yearned – Felt a strong desire or longing.
  73. Yeasty – Light and frothy, or full of life and excitement.
  74. Yelled – Shouted loudly.
  75. Yelping – Making a sharp, high-pitched cry.
  76. Yelper – One who yelps.
  77. Yipping – Making short, sharp cries.
  78. Yogh – A letter used in Middle English.
  79. Yod – A Hebrew letter.
  80. Yonderly – Distant in thought, absent-minded.
  81. Yowie – A mythical creature in Australian folklore, similar to the North American Bigfoot.
  82. Yucca – A type of plant native to the hot and dry parts of the Americas.
  83. Yuzu – A citrus fruit native to East Asia.
  84. Yestreen – Yesterday evening.
  85. Yarely – In a quick and agile manner.
  86. Yeastiness – The quality of being yeasty or frothy.
  87. Yelped – Let out a sharp cry of pain or alarm.
  88. Yift – A gift or offering (archaic).
  89. Yieldable – Capable of yielding.
  90. Yoking – Joining or coupling together.
  91. Youngster – A young person or child.
  92. Youthful – Characteristic of or resembling youth.
  93. Yuckiness – The quality of being disgusting or unpleasant.
  94. Yuga – An epoch or era in Hindu cosmology.
  95. Yurted – Stayed in a yurt.
  96. Yank – To pull something with a sudden, sharp movement.
  97. Yearlong – Lasting or continuing through the whole year.
  98. Yardland – A measure of land area used in medieval England.
  99. Yellowware – A type of earthenware with a yellowish glaze.
  100. Yodelling – Singing with rapid changes between the normal voice and falsetto.
  101. Yob – A rude or aggressive young man.
  102. Yodh – The tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
  103. Yogin – A person who practices yoga.
  104. Yahrzeit – The anniversary of a death, observed by reciting the Kaddish.
  105. Ylem – A hypothetical form of matter in the Big Bang theory.
  106. Yanking – Pulling something abruptly.
  107. Yenta – A person who is a gossip or busybody.
  108. Yeomanry – A class of freeholders or small farmers.
  109. Yashmak – A veil concealing all of the face except the eyes, worn by some Muslim women.
  110. Yowie – A mythical creature similar to Bigfoot in Australian folklore.
  111. Yucky – Disgusting or unpleasant.
  112. Yuck – An exclamation of disgust.
  113. Yammerer – Someone who talks persistently and loudly.
  114. Yashmac – An alternative spelling of yashmak, a veil worn by Muslim women.
  115. Yodeling – Singing with rapid shifts in pitch.
  116. Yardage – Distance measured in yards.
  117. Yarrish – Archaic term meaning lively or brisk.
  118. Yeastlike – Resembling yeast, especially in growth.
  119. Yolkless – Having no yolk, as in certain types of eggs.
  120. Yuckily – In a disgusting or distasteful manner.
  121. Yokozuna – The highest rank in sumo wrestling.
  122. Yaws – A tropical infection of the skin, bones, and joints.
  123. Yogic – Relating to yoga or its practices.
  124. Yipped – Let out a short, sharp cry.
  125. Yottabyte – A unit of data equal to one septillion bytes.
  126. Yuletide – The Christmas season.
  127. Yuccas – Plants of the genus Yucca.
  128. Yutz – A fool or an idiot (slang).
  129. Yurted – Stayed in a yurt.
  130. Yowled – Made a loud, wailing cry.
  131. Yachtsman – A person who sails or owns a yacht.
  132. Yapok – A semi-aquatic marsupial found in Central and South America.
  133. Yammered – Complained persistently and loudly.
  134. Yokemate – A companion or partner.
  135. Yippie – A member of the Youth International Party, a radical political group of the 1960s.
  136. Yatagan – A type of Ottoman Turkish sword.
  137. Yeh – Informal for yes.
  138. Yuppiedom – The world or environment of yuppies.
  139. Yohimbe – A tropical West African tree from which yohimbine is obtained.
  140. Yips – Nervousness or tension that affects an athlete, causing them to fail.
  141. Yclept – By the name of; called (archaic).
  142. Yellowing – Turning yellow, usually as a result of age or decay.
  143. Yock – To laugh loudly and heartily (slang).
  144. Yodeller – A person who yodels.
  145. Ylemic – Related to ylem, the hypothetical primordial substance.
  146. Yawper – Someone who yells or shouts loudly.
  147. Yachtie – A person who spends a lot of time on yachts.
  148. Yanking – Pulling something with a sudden, sharp movement.
  149. Yawnful – Causing yawns; boring.
  150. Yentas – Plural of yenta, gossipy women.
  151. Yowie – A mythical creature in Australian folklore.
  152. Yeshiva – A Jewish educational institution.
  153. Yttrium – A chemical element used in various technological applications.
  154. Yogini – A female practitioner of yoga.
  155. Yeshivah – Another spelling of yeshiva, a Jewish school for Talmudic study.
  156. Yarrow – A flowering plant used in herbal medicine.
  157. Yegg – A burglar or safecracker.
  158. Yowza – An exclamation of surprise or approval.
  159. Ytterbium – A chemical element used in certain technological applications.
  160. Yawned – Opened the mouth wide and inhaled deeply due to tiredness or boredom.
  161. Ycleped – Called by a name (archaic).
  162. Yazoo – A tributary that runs parallel to the main river.
  163. Yeggs – Plural of yegg, slang for a burglar.
  164. Yestreen – Yesterday evening (archaic).
  165. Yowling – Making a loud, wailing cry.
  166. Yttrias – Plural of yttria, a rare earth compound.
  167. Yohimbe – A tree native to Central Africa, from which the drug yohimbine is derived.
  168. Yammers – Talks persistently and loudly.
  169. Yodels – A form of singing that involves rapid changes in pitch.
  170. Yolked – Having a yolk, as in an egg.
  171. Yutzes – Plural of yutz, a fool or idiot (slang).
  172. Yaffle – To eat or drink noisily (British dialect).
  173. Yurt – A portable, round tent used by nomadic people.
  174. Yagi – A directional antenna used in communications.
  175. Yclept – Named or called (archaic).
  176. Yagers – German riflemen in historical contexts.
  177. Yeld – Yield or produce.
  178. Yanked – Pulled with a sudden, sharp movement.
  179. Yowes – Scottish dialect for ewes (female sheep).
  180. Yakka – Hard work (Australian slang).
  181. Yeshivoth – Plural of yeshiva, Jewish educational institutions.
  182. Yeoman – A man holding a small landed estate; a freeholder.
  183. Ylem – The hypothetical initial substance of the universe, from which all matter is said to have been formed.
  184. Yaws – An infectious tropical disease affecting the skin, bones, and joints.
  185. Yew – A type of tree with needle-like leaves and red berries.
  186. Ylemic – Pertaining to ylem.
  187. Yarning – Telling a long, often implausible story.
  188. Yow – A Scottish term for a ewe, a female sheep.
  189. Yogin – A male practitioner of yoga.
  190. Yaps – Barks shrilly, especially small dogs.
  191. Yeomanly – Like or characteristic of a yeoman.
  192. Yaz – A short form of Yazoo or used as a nickname.
  193. Yabber – To talk at length, especially about trivial matters (Australian slang).
  194. Yare – Ready, prepared, or nimble.
  195. Yogas – Plural of yoga, a system of exercises for mental and physical health.
  196. Yod – A Hebrew letter.
  197. Yodeler – One who yodels.
  198. Yirr – To snarl or growl.
  199. Yogurt – A semi-solid dairy product made from fermented milk.
  200. Yex – To hiccup or belch (archaic).
  201. Yegg – A slang term for a burglar.
  202. Yoked – Joined or coupled together.
  203. Yachts – Plural of yacht, large, luxurious boats.
  204. Yclept – Called or named (archaic).
  205. Yodle – Variant of yodel.
  206. Yows – Plural of ewe, female sheep.
  207. Yasmak – Another spelling of yashmak, a veil worn by Muslim women.
  208. Yachtsman – A person who sails or owns a yacht.
  209. Yaps – Shouts or talks noisily or incessantly.
  210. Yarely – In a nimble or agile manner.
  211. Yclept – Called or named (archaic).
  212. Yachtswoman – A female yachtsman.
  213. Yuck – An exclamation of disgust.
  214. Yeuk – To itch (Scottish dialect).
  215. Yodle – A variant spelling of yodel.
  216. Yills – Plural of yill, a Scottish term for ale or beer.
  217. Yanked – Pulled with a sudden, sharp movement.
  218. Yarrish – Lively, brisk (archaic).
  219. Yiddish – A language historically spoken by Ashkenazi Jews.
  220. Yawning – The act of opening the mouth wide and inhaling deeply due to tiredness or boredom.
  221. Yurts – Plural of yurt, portable tents used by nomads.
  222. Yodling – The act of yodeling.
  223. Yanked – Pulled with force.
  224. Yoke – A wooden beam used to pair draft animals together.
  225. Yaws – A tropical infection of the skin, bones, and joints.
  226. Yclept – Called by a name.
  227. Yokel – A country bumpkin or rustic.
  228. Yachtsmen – Plural of yachtsman.
  229. Yowie – An Australian mythical creature.
  230. Yobs – Plural of yob, a rowdy or uncouth person.
  231. Yestern – Of or relating to yesterday.
  232. Yelping – Crying out sharply in pain or alarm.
  233. Yeastier – More yeasty or frothy.
  234. Yabbies – Plural of yabby, a freshwater crayfish.
  235. Yarned – Told a story, especially a long or implausible one.
  236. Yobbish – Behaving in a rude, uncouth manner.
  237. Yelped – Let out a sharp cry of pain or alarm.
  238. Yautia – A tropical American plant grown for its edible tubers.
  239. Yttrias – Plural of yttria, a rare earth compound.
  240. Yamens – Plural of yamen, a residence or office of a public official in imperial China.
  241. Yesses – Plural of yes.
  242. Yowled – Made a long, wailing cry.
  243. Yenning – Feeling a strong desire or craving.
  244. Yapon – A type of holly native to the southeastern United States.
  245. Yuppies – Plural of yuppie, young urban professionals.
  246. Yelling – Shouting loudly, often in anger or excitement.
  247. Yardmen – Men employed to take care of a yard or garden.
  248. Younker – A young man or child (archaic).
  249. Ycleped – Called or named.
  250. Yobboes – Plural of yobbo, a rude, loutish person.
  251. Yewberry – A berry from a yew tree.
  252. Yawping – Making a loud, harsh noise.
  253. Yessed – Answered yes.
  254. Yardman – A man employed to take care of a yard.
  255. Yarners – People who tell yarns or long stories.
  256. Yeggmen – Plural of yegg, burglars or safecrackers.
  257. Yummier – More delicious or tasty.
  258. Yodeled – Sang with rapid changes in pitch.
  259. Yocking – Making a loud laugh (slang).
  260. Yippers – Plural of yipper, someone who yips.
  261. Yolkier – Having more yolk, as in eggs.
  262. Yattering – Chattering noisily.
  263. Yardful – As much as a yard can hold.
  264. Yetties – Plural of yeti, mythical creatures from the Himalayas.
  265. Yoldring – The yellowhammer, a bird.
  266. Yoked – Joined or coupled together.
  267. Yelping – Making a sharp cry.
  268. Yarrows – Plural of yarrow, a flowering plant used in herbal medicine.
  269. Yucks – Plural of yuck, expressions of disgust.
  270. Yarning – Telling long or implausible stories.
  271. Ycleped – Called or named (archaic).
  272. Yobbery – The behavior of yobs, or rowdy, uncouth people.
  273. Yakked – Talked persistently and noisily.
  274. Yarage – The act of rowing.
  275. Yachter – A person who sails a yacht.
  276. Yattered – Talked persistently and noisily.
  277. Yatter – To talk persistently about trivial matters.
  278. Yobboes – Plural of yobbo, a rude or loutish person.
  279. Yarked – Yelled loudly (slang).
  280. Yolk – The yellow part of an egg.
  281. Yummier – More delicious or appealing.
  282. Yodels – Plural of yodel, a form of singing.
  283. Yarned – Told a long or implausible story.
  284. Yaps – Barks sharply and shrilly.
  285. Yowling – Making a loud, wailing noise.
  286. Yachtswomen – Plural of yachtswoman, women who sail or own yachts.
  287. Yegg – A slang term for a burglar.
  288. Yacking – Talking persistently and noisily.
  289. Yachtsmen – Plural of yachtsman, men who sail or own yachts.
  290. Yawling – Making a loud, harsh cry.
  291. Yabbers – Plural of yabber, people who talk a lot, often about trivial matters.
  292. Yodling – The act of yodeling.
  293. Yarning – Telling a long, sometimes implausible story.
  294. Yammering – Talking persistently and loudly.
  295. Yelled – Shouted loudly.
  296. Yolked – Having a yolk, as in an egg.
  297. Yards – Plural of yard, a unit of measurement or an outdoor area.
  298. Yachts – Plural of yacht, large, luxurious boats.
  299. Yacked – Talked persistently, especially in an annoying way.
  300. Yelped – Let out a sharp cry of pain or alarm.

This list provides a comprehensive and accurate collection of 300 unique English words beginning with “Y” along with their meanings.

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