The English letter “Z” is the 26th and final letter of the alphabet. It is pronounced as “zee” in American English and “zed” in British English. The letter has a zigzag shape and is often associated with words that suggest the end or the last in a series, such as “zebra” or “zero.” “Z” is less commonly used compared to other letters in the English language, making up only about 0.07% of written text. Despite its rarity, “Z” is significant in mathematics and science, often representing unknown variables or integers, and in various cultural references, such as in the superhero character “Zorro,” who leaves a “Z” mark as his signature.
List of 300 words that start with the letter Z along with their meanings
- Zebra – An African wild horse with black-and-white stripes.
- Zealous – Having or showing zeal; passionate.
- Zenith – The highest point or peak.
- Zephyr – A gentle, mild breeze.
- Zest – Great enthusiasm and energy.
- Zigzag – A line or course having abrupt alternate right and left turns.
- Zinc – A chemical element with the symbol Zn, used as a protective coating.
- Zip – To fasten or unfasten with a zipper.
- Zone – An area or region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature.
- Zombie – A reanimated corpse in folklore.
- Zoology – The scientific study of animals.
- Zoom – To move quickly or suddenly with a loud humming noise.
- Zygote – A fertilized egg cell.
- Zonal – Relating to a zone or zones.
- Zebrawood – A type of wood known for its striped appearance.
- Zippy – Full of energy; lively.
- Zesty – Having a strong, pleasant, and somewhat spicy flavor.
- Zillion – An extremely large number (informal).
- Zonal – Pertaining to or of the nature of a zone.
- Zeal – Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause.
- Zincate – A salt or ester of zincic acid.
- Ziggurat – A rectangular stepped tower, sometimes surmounted by a temple.
- Zodiac – A belt of the heavens within about 8° either side of the ecliptic, containing the positions of the planets and stars.
- Zircon – A mineral belonging to the group of nesosilicates.
- Zygoma – The bony arch of the cheek formed by connection of the cheekbone to the skull.
- Zonal – Pertaining to or of the nature of a zone.
- Zebrafinch – A small bird native to Australia with a distinctive black-and-white striped pattern.
- Zonked – Extremely tired or exhausted (informal).
- Zoologist – A person who studies or is an expert in zoology.
- Zapper – A device used for changing channels on a television.
- Zebra-crossing – A pedestrian crossing marked with black-and-white stripes.
- Zealot – A person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.
- Zigzagging – Moving in a pattern of sharp turns.
- Zonal – Related to or forming a zone.
- Zombified – Turned into a zombie; drained of energy.
- Zero – The numerical value of nothing; naught.
- Zonal – Pertaining to a zone.
- Zillionaire – An extremely wealthy person (informal).
- Zookeeper – A person who manages or looks after animals in a zoo.
- Zyzzyva – A genus of tropical American weevils.
- Zebrine – Relating to or resembling a zebra.
- Zoonosis – A disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
- Zeppole – An Italian pastry made of deep-fried dough.
- Zedonk – A hybrid of a zebra and a donkey.
- Zealotry – Fanatical and uncompromising pursuit of religious, political, or other ideals.
- Zodiacal – Relating to or concerning the zodiac.
- Zonation – The arrangement or patterning of plant communities or ecosystems into parallel or sub-parallel bands.
- Zipper – A fastening device consisting of two strips of fabric with interlocking teeth.
- Zarzuela – A Spanish lyric-dramatic genre that alternates between spoken and sung scenes.
- Zelophobia – An irrational fear of jealousy.
- Zebrawood – A West African tree, with wood streaked like a zebra’s coat.
- Zoster – A technical name for shingles, a viral disease.
- Zorilla – A small African mammal related to the weasel.
- Ziti – A type of pasta in the form of short tubes.
- Zebrafish – A small, tropical, freshwater fish often used in scientific research.
- Zingy – Lively, exciting, and full of energy.
- Zebroid – A hybrid of a zebra and any other equine animal.
- Zoning – The process of dividing land in a municipality into zones in which certain land uses are permitted or prohibited.
- Zamboni – A machine used to resurface the ice in an ice rink.
- Zein – A class of prolamine protein found in maize (corn).
- Zaffre – A blue pigment obtained by roasting cobalt ore.
- Zebec – A small, three-masted Mediterranean sailing vessel.
- Zinnia – A type of flowering plant in the daisy family.
- Zander – A species of fish similar to pike.
- Zoolatry – Worship of animals.
- Zemstvo – A form of local government in late imperial Russia.
- Zarf – A holder, usually of ornamental metal, for a coffee cup without a handle.
- Zymurgy – The branch of chemistry concerned with fermentation.
- Zigzagged – Made sharp, alternate turns from side to side.
- Zonule – A small zone or band.
- Zambian – Relating to Zambia or its people.
- Zine – A small-circulation, self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images.
- Zwitterion – A molecule or ion having separate positively and negatively charged groups.
- Zyzzyva – A tropical weevil of South America, often the last word in a dictionary.
- Zineb – A fungicide used to protect crops from fungal infections.
- Zygomorphic – Symmetrical along one plane, typically applied to flowers.
- Zapateado – A Spanish dance that involves rhythmically stamping or tapping the feet.
- Zigguratic – Relating to or resembling a ziggurat.
- Zooplankton – Small and microscopic animals drifting in seas or bodies of freshwater.
- Zucchetto – A skullcap worn by Catholic clergy.
- Zither – A musical instrument with strings stretched across a flat body.
- Zygospore – A thick-walled spore formed by the union of two similar sexual cells.
- Zinco – Short for zincograph, a relief printing plate made of zinc.
- Zoophagous – Feeding on animals.
- Zodiacal – Relating to the zodiac.
- Zoological – Relating to the scientific study of animals.
- Zebrafish – A small freshwater fish used in genetic and developmental research.
- Zygomatic – Relating to the cheekbone.
- Zonal – Relating to or forming a zone.
- Zodiac – An area of the sky in which the positions of the sun, moon, and most of the planets are located.
- Zygoma – The bony arch of the cheek.
- Zoography – The study or description of animals.
- Zymology – The science or study of fermentation.
- Zill – A small finger cymbal used in belly dancing.
- Zombification – The process of turning into a zombie.
- Zygomaticus – A muscle of facial expression that draws the angle of the mouth upward and outward.
- Zeugma – A figure of speech in which a word applies to multiple parts of the sentence.
- Zollverein – A coalition of German states formed to manage tariffs and economic policies within their territories.
- Zing – To move swiftly or make a sharp, high-pitched sound.
- Zootomy – The dissection or anatomy of animals.
- Zouk – A style of dance music originating from the French Caribbean islands.
- Zombify – To turn into a zombie.
- Zwitterionic – Having both positive and negative charges.
- Zenaida – A genus of doves in the family Columbidae.
- Ziggurat – A temple tower of the ancient Mesopotamians, having the form of a terraced pyramid.
- Zeugmatic – Relating to or of the nature of a zeugma.
- Zoophilous – Having an affinity for or attraction to animals.
- Zany – Amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic.
- Zombified – Deprived of vitality or animation.
- Zemindar – A landowner, especially one in the Indian subcontinent.
- Zombielike – Resembling or characteristic of a zombie.
- Zebu – A domesticated cattle breed with a hump on its back, originating from South Asia.
- Zarathustrian – Relating to the ancient Persian prophet Zoroaster.
- Zoology – The scientific study of animals.
- Zoot – A type of men’s suit with high-waisted, wide-legged, tight-cuffed, pegged trousers.
- Zingiberaceous – Belonging to the ginger family, Zingiberaceae.
- Zymase – An enzyme complex that catalyzes the fermentation of sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
- Zymogen – An inactive substance that is converted into an enzyme when activated by another enzyme.
- Zoosemiotics – The study of the use of signs by animals.
- Zoogeography – The study of the geographical distribution of animals.
- Zebulon – A masculine given name of Hebrew origin.
- Zymotic – Relating to or causing fermentation.
- Zoophysics – The application of the principles of physics to the study of animals.
- Zorbing – The sport of rolling downhill inside a large, transparent ball.
- Zoologize – To study or talk about zoology.
- Zygotene – The stage in meiosis in which homologous chromosomes begin to pair.
- Zoologist – A scientist who studies animals.
- Zebra – An African wild horse with black-and-white stripes.
- Zygosis – The formation of a zygote.
- Zephyr – A soft, gentle breeze.
- Ziti – A type of pasta in the form of tubes.
- Zebrawood – A type of wood with a striped grain pattern.
- Zebra-crossing – A pedestrian crossing marked with black-and-white stripes.
- Zombification – The process of turning into a zombie.
- Zoolater – One who worships animals.
- Zoologic – Of or relating to zoology.
- Zootrophic – Of or relating to animal nourishment.
- Zucchetto – A skullcap worn by Roman Catholic clergy.
- Zugzwang – A situation in chess in which one player is put at a disadvantage because they must make a move when they would prefer to pass.
- Zantewood – Another name for the plant sandalwood.
- Zambian – A person from Zambia.
- Zemindari – The system of landholding and tax collection by zemindars in the Indian subcontinent.
- Zareba – An enclosure of thorn bushes or stakes protecting a campsite or village in northeastern Africa.
- Zygosity – The degree of similarity of the alleles for a trait in an organism.
- Zorbing – A sport in which one rolls downhill inside an orb, generally made of transparent plastic.
- Zodiac – An imaginary belt of the heavens, extending about 8° each side of the ecliptic.
- Zoolith – A fossilized animal, especially a fossilized skeleton.
- Zill – A small cymbal used in belly dancing.
- Zoophagous – Feeding on other animals.
- Zoolatry – The worship of animals.
- Zonked – Slang for extremely tired or exhausted.
- Zugzwang – A situation in chess in which one player is put at a disadvantage because they must make a move.
- Zygodactyl – Having two toes pointing forward and two backward.
- Zoophilous – Relating to or having an affinity for animals.
- Zonk – Slang for to strike or hit with a heavy blow.
- Zill – A small finger cymbal used in belly dancing.
- Zygospore – A thick-walled resting cell of certain fungi and algae, arising from the fusion of two similar gametes.
- Zymurgy – The study or practice of fermentation in brewing, winemaking, or distilling.
- Zygote – A fertilized ovum.
- Zymotic – Relating to or causing fermentation.
- Zirconium – A chemical element with the symbol Zr and atomic number 40.
- Zydeco – A music genre that evolved in southwest Louisiana by French Creole speakers.
- Zillionaire – An extremely wealthy person.
- Zonker – Slang for someone who is exhausted or stoned.
- Zymosan – A polysaccharide derived from yeast cell walls.
- Zincoid – Resembling zinc or its compounds.
- Zucchetto – A small round skullcap worn by Roman Catholic clergy.
- Zincoid – Resembling zinc.
- Zymogenesis – The process of enzymatic transformation.
- Zamboni – A machine used to smooth the surface of an ice rink.
- Zythum – A type of ancient Egyptian beer.
- Zoolith – A fossilized animal or animal part.
- Zoon – An individual animal produced by sexual reproduction.
- Zygotene – A stage in meiosis where homologous chromosomes begin to pair.
- Zymoplastic – Relating to or involved in the formation of enzymes.
- Zircon – A mineral belonging to the group of nesosilicates.
- Zinco – A zinc plate used in printing.
- Zygogenesis – The production or development of a zygote.
- Zarf – An ornamental metal holder for a coffee cup.
- Zibeline – A soft, lustrous wool fabric.
- Zabaglione – An Italian dessert made of whipped egg yolks, sugar, and Marsala wine.
- Zigzag – A pattern made up of small corners at variable angles, resembling a line of z’s.
- Zine – A self-published, non-commercial publication, usually devoted to specialized and often unconventional subjects.
- Zibeline – A soft lustrous wool fabric.
- Zucchetto – A skullcap worn by clerics.
- Zygospore – A thick-walled resting spore formed by the fusion of two similar sexual cells.
- Zombification – The process of turning into a zombie.
- Zwitterion – A molecule or ion having separate positively and negatively charged groups.
- Zebrine – Relating to or resembling a zebra.
- Zygodactylous – Having two toes pointing forward and two backward.
- Zoophilia – Sexual attraction to animals.
- Zooty – Flashy or showy in appearance.
- Ziggurat – A rectangular stepped tower, sometimes surmounted by a temple.
- Zamia – A genus of cycads found in tropical and subtropical regions.
- Zambian – A native or inhabitant of Zambia.
- Zoogeography – The branch of biology that deals with the geographical distribution of animals.
- Zoolith – A fossilized animal.
- Zigzagged – Made sharp turns in different directions.
- Zonal – Pertaining to a zone or zones.
- Zymogenesis – The formation or development of enzymes.
- Zymosan – A polysaccharide present in the cell wall of yeast.
- Zoophilia – The practice of being sexually attracted to animals.
- Zein – A class of prolamine protein found in maize.
- Zygote – The cell formed by the union of two gametes.
- Zoopathology – The study of diseases of animals.
- Zoolatry – The worship of animals.
- Zibeline – A soft, fine fabric made from wool.
- Zwieback – A type of crispy, sweetened bread made with eggs.
- Zingiber – A genus of plants in the ginger family.
- Zamindar – A landowner, particularly in the Indian subcontinent, who leases his land to tenant farmers.
- Zymoscope – An instrument for measuring the fermenting power of yeast.
- Zoonosis – A disease that can be transmitted to humans from animals.
- Zugzwang – A situation in chess where a player is forced to make a move that will weaken their position.
- Zoroastrian – A follower of the ancient Persian religion Zoroastrianism.
- Zillion – An unspecified large number (informal).
- Zookeeper – A person who manages or takes care of animals in a zoo.
- Zounds – An exclamation of surprise or indignation (archaic).
- Zaniness – The quality of being amusingly unconventional or idiosyncratic.
- Zinnia – A genus of plants in the daisy family.
- Zamboni – A machine used to smooth the surface of an ice rink.
- Zirconium – A chemical element with the symbol Zr.
- Zombi – An alternate spelling of “zombie.”
- Zircon – A mineral belonging to the group of nesosilicates.
- Zoophobia – An irrational fear of animals.
- Zesty – Full of energy, enthusiasm, or flavor.
- Zooglea – A mass of bacterial cells embedded in a gelatinous matrix.
- Zoonotic – Relating to or denoting a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
- Zeroth – Relating to the position in a sequence that precedes the first.
- Zwieback – A type of crisp, sweetened bread made with eggs.
- Zoster – Another term for shingles, a viral infection causing a painful rash.
- Zucchetto – A small round skullcap worn by Roman Catholic clergy.
- Zonule – A small zone or area.
- Zamindari – The system or institution of a zamindar in India.
- Zucchetto – A skullcap worn by clerics.
- Zemindari – A land tenure system in the Indian subcontinent.
- Zelotypia – An obsolete term for pathological jealousy.
- Zoonal – Pertaining to or forming a zone.
- Zombiism – The state or condition of being a zombie.
- Zootheism – The worship of animals as gods.
- Zippy – Full of energy; lively.
- Zemstvo – A form of local government in late Imperial Russia.
- Zit – Slang for a pimple.
- Ziggurat – A terraced pyramid-like structure that forms part of a Sumerian temple.
- Zingiberaceous – Relating to or resembling ginger.
- Zed – The British pronunciation of the letter “Z.”
- Zygosity – The degree to which both alleles at a locus are identical.
- Zygnematales – An order of filamentous green algae.
- Zibeline – A soft lustrous wool fabric.
- Zoophagous – Feeding on animals.
- Zestful – Full of enthusiasm or energy.
- Zoophilous – Relating to the pollination of plants by animals.
- Zygodactylous – Having two toes pointing forward and two backward, as in some birds.
- Zarf – An ornamental holder for a coffee cup.
- Zingiber – A genus of flowering plants in the ginger family.
- Zonality – The arrangement or patterning of plant communities or ecosystems into parallel or sub-parallel bands.
- Zamindari – The system of landholding and tax collection by zamindars in the Indian subcontinent.
- Zwitterion – A molecule or ion having separate positively and negatively charged groups.
- Zoological – Relating to the study of animals.
- Zonular – Relating to a small zone or belt.
- Zemindar – A landowner, particularly in the Indian subcontinent.
- Zymurgy – The branch of chemistry that deals with fermentation processes.
- Zoolith – A fossilized animal.
- Zoon – An individual animal produced by sexual reproduction.
- Zygotic – Relating to or derived from a zygote.
- Zamindar – A landowner in the Indian subcontinent responsible for collecting taxes.
- Zirconium – A chemical element with the symbol Zr.
- Zoroastrianism – The ancient pre-Islamic religion of Persia.
- Zigzagging – Moving in a pattern of sharp turns.
- Zirconia – A white crystalline oxide of zirconium.
- Zambo – A person of mixed African and indigenous American descent.
- Zwieback – A type of crisp, sweetened bread made with eggs.
- Zettabyte – A unit of information equal to one sextillion bytes.
- Zodiacal – Relating to or concerning the zodiac.
- Zymogram – An electrophoretic technique that detects enzyme activity.
- Zymotic – Relating to or causing fermentation.
- Zabaione – An Italian dessert made of whipped egg yolks, sugar, and Marsala wine.
- Zoonoses – Diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
- Zymotic – Relating to or causing fermentation.
- Zucchetto – A small round skullcap worn by Roman Catholic clergy.
- Zonation – The arrangement or patterning of plant communities or ecosystems into parallel or sub-parallel bands.
- Zircon – A mineral belonging to the group of nesosilicates.
- Zygotic – Relating to or derived from a zygote.
- Zirconium – A chemical element with the symbol Zr.
- Zouave – A member of a French infantry regiment, originally composed of Algerian recruits.
- Zonular – Relating to or involving a zone or zonule.
- Zonate – Marked with concentric rings.
- Zymase – An enzyme complex that catalyzes the fermentation of sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
- Zooglea – A gelatinous mass of bacteria in a matrix of polysaccharides.
- Zoning – The process of dividing land in a municipality into zones in which certain land uses are permitted or prohibited.
- Zygomatic – Relating to the cheekbone or zygoma.
- Zombiism – The state or condition of being a zombie.
- Zinkenite – A grey mineral consisting of lead antimony sulfide.
- Zemindar – A landowner, particularly in the Indian subcontinent.
- Zucchini – A variety of summer squash.
- Zymosis – The process of fermentation.
- Zoril – An African animal related to the weasel and resembling a skunk.
- Zonular – Pertaining to or forming a zone.
- Zymogen – An inactive substance that is converted into an enzyme when activated by another enzyme.
- Zoolatry – The worship of animals.
- Zebrula – A hybrid of a zebra and another equine, especially a horse.