How to Say Christmas in Other Languages

The word “Christmas” refers to the annual celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25th by billions of people around the world. It is a time marked by festive traditions, giving gifts, and spending time with loved ones. Many people search for “Christmas in other languages” to understand how this special day is expressed across different cultures and languages, reflecting the global significance and diverse ways of celebrating this holiday.

Christmas in different languages can also provide insight into how cultural nuances and traditions are woven into the celebration of Christmas, making it a unique experience in various parts of the world.

How to Say Christmas in 100 Other Languages 

Afrikaans: Kersfees (ker-sfees)

Albanian: Krishtlindje (krish-tleen-dyeh)

Amharic: Genna (gen-na)

Arabic: Eid Milad Majid (eid mee-lad ma-jeed)

Armenian: Surb Tsnund (soorb ts-noond)

Azerbaijani: Milad Bayramı (mee-lad bye-rah-muh)

Basque: Gabonak (ga-bo-nak)

Belarusian: Kaliady (ka-lya-dy)

Bengali: Bôṛodin (bo-ro-deen)

Bosnian: Božić (boh-zheech)

Bulgarian: Koleda (koh-leh-da)

Burmese: Naypyidaw Christmas (nay-pee-daw krees-mas)

Catalan: Nadal (nah-dahl)

Cebuano: Pasko (pah-sko)

Chichewa: Khirisimasi (khee-ree-see-mah-see)

Chinese (Mandarin): Shèngdàn Jié (shuhng-dahn jee-eh)

Croatian: Božić (boh-zheech)

Czech: Vánoce (vah-no-tseh)

Danish: Jul (yool)

Dutch: Kerstmis (kerst-mis)

Esperanto: Kristnasko (krees-tna-sko)

Estonian: Jõulud (yoh-lood)

Finnish: Joulu (yoh-loo)

French: Noël (noh-el)

Galician: Nadal (nah-dahl)

Georgian: Shoba (sho-ba)

German: Weihnachten (vy-nahk-ten)

Greek: Christoúgenna (khree-stoo-yeh-nah)

Gujarati: Nātāl (naah-taal)

Haitian Creole: Nwèl (nwel)

Hausa: Kirsimeti (keer-see-me-tee)

Hebrew: Chag HaMolad (khag ha-mo-lad)

Hindi: Khrismas (kris-mas)

Hungarian: Karácsony (ka-raah-chon-y)

Icelandic: Jól (yohl)

Igbo: Krismas (kree-smas)

Indonesian: Natal (nah-tahl)

Irish: Nollaig (null-ig)

Italian: Natale (na-ta-leh)

Japanese: Kurisumasu (koo-ree-soo-mah-soo)

Javanese: Krisma (krees-mah)

Kannada: Nātāḷ (naa-taa-la)

Kazakh: Rizdvo (reez-dvo)

Khmer: Noel (noh-el)

Korean: Seongtanjeol (sung-tahn-juhl)

Kurdish: Cilîstî (jee-lees-tee)

Kyrgyz: Rizdvo (reez-dvo)

Lao: Noel (noh-el)

Latin: Nativitatis (nah-tee-vee-tah-tees)

Latvian: Ziemassvētki (zyay-mahs-svet-kee)

Lithuanian: Kalėdos (ka-lay-dos)

Luxembourgish: Chrëschtdag (kresh-dahg)

Macedonian: Bozhik (boh-zheek)

Malagasy: Krismasy (kree-sma-see)

Malay: Krismas (krees-mas)

Malayalam: Nātāḷ (naa-taa-la)

Maltese: Il-Milied (eel-meel-yehd)

Maori: Kirihimete (kee-ree-hee-meh-teh)

Marathi: Nātāl (naa-taa-la)

Mongolian: Zul (zuul)

Nepali: Khrismas (kris-mas)

Norwegian: Jul (yool)

Pashto: Milad (mee-lad)

Persian: Milad (mee-lad)

Polish: Boże Narodzenie (boh-zheh nah-roh-jeh-neh)

Portuguese: Natal (nah-tahl)

Punjabi: Khrismas (kris-mas)

Romanian: Crăciun (krah-choon)

Russian: Rozhdestvo (rohzh-dyes-tvoh)

Samoan: Kirisimasi (kee-ree-see-mah-see)

Sanskrit: Nātāḷ (naa-taa-la)

Serbian: Božić (boh-zheech)

Sesotho: Keresemese (keh-reh-seh-meh-seh)

Sinhala: Nātāḷ (naa-taa-la)

Slovak: Vianoce (vya-no-tseh)

Slovenian: Božič (boh-zheech)

Somali: Ciise Masiix (ee-say mah-seex)

Spanish: Navidad (nah-vee-dahd)

Swahili: Krismasi (kree-smah-see)

Swedish: Jul (yool)

Tamil: Kirisimas (kree-see-mas)

Telugu: Kirisimas (kree-see-mas)

Thai: Khrisamās̄ (kree-sa-mas)

Turkish: Noel (noh-el)

Ukrainian: Rizdvo (reez-dvo)

Urdu: Khrismas (kris-mas)

Uzbek: Rizdvo (reez-dvo)

Vietnamese: Giáng sinh (zang seen)

Welsh: Nadolig (nah-do-leeg)

Xhosa: Krismesi (kree-seh-see)

Yiddish: Nittel (nee-tel)

Yoruba: Kérésìmesì (keh-reh-see-meh-see)

Zulu: Khisimusi (kee-see-moo-see)

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