Words That Start With X

The letter “X” is the 24th letter in the English alphabet and is often associated with mystery, the unknown, or something that is concealed. Its unique shape, which resembles crossed lines, makes it a versatile symbol in various contexts. In mathematics, “X” is frequently used to denote an unknown variable or quantity, while in Roman numerals, it represents the number ten. The letter “X” also holds significance in popular culture, often symbolizing something forbidden, exceptional, or extreme, as seen in phrases like “X marks the spot” or the rating “X” in media. Despite being one of the least frequently used letters in English, it appears in many technical, scientific, and specialized terms, particularly those borrowed from other languages like Greek, where “X” (chi) has historical significance. Its rarity in everyday words makes “X” a distinctive and intriguing letter in the alphabet.

List of 300 words that start with the letter X along with their meanings

  1. X-ray – A form of electromagnetic radiation used for imaging.
  2. Xenon – A chemical element, a noble gas used in lighting and anesthesia.
  3. Xerox – A brand name often used to refer to photocopying.
  4. Xylophone – A musical instrument with wooden bars struck by mallets.
  5. Xenophobia – Fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners.
  6. Xeroderma – A condition characterized by abnormally dry skin.
  7. Xylem – The tissue in plants that conducts water and nutrients.
  8. Xenogenesis – The production of offspring that are significantly different from the parent.
  9. Xenolith – A fragment of rock embedded in another kind of rock.
  10. Xenon – An element in the periodic table, symbol Xe.
  11. Xenophile – A person attracted to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs.
  12. Xenotransplantation – The transplantation of cells, tissues, or organs from one species to another.
  13. Xerography – A dry photocopying process.
  14. Xerophyte – A plant adapted to survive in an environment with little water.
  15. Xenobiotic – A chemical substance foreign to a biological system.
  16. Xylotomous – Capable of cutting or boring into wood.
  17. Xenodochium – An ancient Greek or Roman hotel or guesthouse.
  18. Xenotropic – A virus that replicates only in cells other than those of the host species.
  19. Xanthophyll – A yellow pigment found in plants.
  20. Xenocryst – A crystal that is not formed from the magma in which it is found.
  21. Xenogenesis – Another term for heterogenesis, the alternation of generations.
  22. Xenon – A colorless, dense, odorless noble gas.
  23. Xerophyte – A plant that needs very little water.
  24. Xanthein – A yellow pigment found in certain plants.
  25. Xanthic – Of or pertaining to a yellow color.
  26. Xanthism – A condition in which a plant or animal is abnormally yellow.
  27. Xerostomia – Abnormal dryness of the mouth due to lack of saliva.
  28. Xenogamy – Fertilization by pollen from a different plant.
  29. Xenolithic – Relating to or containing xenoliths.
  30. Xanthate – A salt or ester of xanthic acid, used in the extraction of certain metals.
  31. Xenograft – A tissue graft or organ transplant from a donor of a different species.
  32. Xylidine – Any of six isomeric compounds used as dye intermediates.
  33. Xylograph – An engraving on wood.
  34. Xylography – The art of engraving on wood.
  35. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood, especially by insects.
  36. Xylophonic – Pertaining to or resembling the sound of a xylophone.
  37. Xenolithic – Pertaining to xenoliths, or foreign rock fragments.
  38. Xyloplasty – Surgical repair of damaged wood structures.
  39. Xyloid – Resembling wood; woody.
  40. Xanthous – Yellow or yellowish.
  41. Xeranthemum – A genus of flowering plants in the daisy family.
  42. Xeric – Characterized by or adapted to a dry environment.
  43. Xenon – A heavy, colorless, odorless noble gas used in lighting and anesthesia.
  44. Xiphoid – Shaped like a sword; the xiphoid process is a small cartilaginous process of the lower part of the sternum.
  45. Xylocarp – A fruit with a hard, woody pericarp.
  46. Xenotropic – A term used to describe viruses that replicate in cells other than those of their host species.
  47. Xanthoma – A condition characterized by the formation of yellowish fatty deposits under the skin.
  48. Xeric – Characterized by or adapted to a dry environment.
  49. Xylology – The study of wood.
  50. Xanthene – A yellow chemical compound used as a dye.
  51. Xenopus – A genus of African aquatic frogs.
  52. Xenon – An inert gas used in flash lamps and arc lamps.
  53. Xerox – A company that manufactures photocopying machines.
  54. Xantho – A combining form meaning “yellow,” used in the formation of compound words.
  55. Xiphoid – Relating to the xiphoid process, the smallest and lowest part of the sternum.
  56. Xenobiotic – A chemical compound foreign to a living organism.
  57. Xenogenic – Originating outside the organism or from a different species.
  58. Xenogeny – The production of offspring different from the parents.
  59. Xenolith – A rock fragment that becomes enveloped in a larger rock during the latter’s development.
  60. Xanthein – A yellow pigment found in flowers.
  61. Xenon – A chemical element with the symbol Xe and atomic number 54.
  62. Xerophyte – A plant that is adapted to grow in very dry conditions.
  63. Xanthin – A yellow or brown crystalline compound that is an intermediate in the degradation of adenosine monophosphate to uric acid.
  64. Xanthic – Pertaining to or containing yellow pigment.
  65. Xenophobe – A person who dislikes or fears people from other countries.
  66. Xerostomia – Dryness of the mouth caused by lack of saliva.
  67. Xenogenic – Originating in another species.
  68. Xeroderma – A condition characterized by rough, dry skin.
  69. Xanthochroid – Having light-colored hair and a fair complexion.
  70. Xeroderma – A medical condition characterized by dry, rough skin.
  71. Xerophyte – A plant adapted to living in dry, arid conditions.
  72. Xantho – A prefix meaning yellow.
  73. Xenobiotic – A substance that is foreign to the body or to an ecological system.
  74. Xanthoma – A condition marked by yellowish patches of fatty deposits in the skin.
  75. Xylograph – A print made from a woodcut.
  76. Xenobiotic – A chemical compound foreign to a living organism.
  77. Xyloglyphy – The art of carving or engraving on wood.
  78. Xerophilous – Thriving in or tolerant of dry, arid conditions.
  79. Xenodochial – Friendly to strangers.
  80. Xyloid – Resembling or related to wood.
  81. Xenodiagnosis – The use of a live organism to detect the presence of a pathogen.
  82. Xenoglossy – The apparent ability to speak a language that one has not learned.
  83. Xenogenetic – Of or relating to the production of offspring markedly different from the parents.
  84. Xylography – The art of engraving on wood.
  85. Xiphoid – The small, cartilaginous process at the lower end of the sternum.
  86. Xanthoma – A yellowish deposit of fat under the skin, often associated with high cholesterol levels.
  87. Xylogenous – Producing wood or wood-like tissue.
  88. Xenotropic – Refers to viruses that replicate in cells other than those of their host species.
  89. Xenograft – A graft of tissue from one species to an unlike species.
  90. Xerophthalmia – Abnormal dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye.
  91. Xanthoma – A skin condition involving fatty growths under the skin.
  92. Xerothermic – Characterized by hot and dry conditions.
  93. Xanthophyl – A yellow pigment found in plants.
  94. Xiphoid – Shaped like a sword; relating to the xiphoid process.
  95. Xylose – A sugar derived from wood.
  96. Xenogenesis – The production of offspring markedly different from the parents.
  97. Xerotic – Relating to or characterized by abnormal dryness.
  98. Xenogeneic – Derived from a different species.
  99. Xenolithic – Containing or relating to xenoliths.
  100. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood.
  101. Xerophytic – Adapted to dry conditions.
  102. Xenophobic – Having a fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers.
  103. Xylophonic – Pertaining to the sound or tone quality of a xylophone.
  104. Xeroxing – The act of copying documents using a Xerox machine.
  105. Xenophobic – Fearful or contemptuous of strangers or foreigners.
  106. Xenogenetic – Originating from a different species.
  107. Xenotime – A rare earth phosphate mineral, typically containing yttrium and traces of uranium.
  108. Xenograft – A tissue graft from a donor of a different species.
  109. Xylograph – An engraving in wood, or a print from such an engraving.
  110. Xerox – A brand name for a photocopier, often used generically.
  111. Xanthophyll – A yellow or brown carotenoid plant pigment.
  112. Xenolith – A piece of rock of different origin from the igneous rock in which it is embedded.
  113. Xanthopsia – A visual condition where things appear yellowish.
  114. Xylography – The art of making woodcuts or wood engravings.
  115. Xylotomous – Capable of cutting or boring into wood, typically used of insects.
  116. Xantho – A prefix indicating yellow.
  117. Xerophyte – A plant that is adapted to grow in very dry conditions.
  118. Xylogenesis – The formation of wood, especially the development of woody tissue in plants.
  119. Xenogenetic – Referring to xenogenesis or the production of offspring different from the parent.
  120. Xyloglyphy – The art of wood carving.
  121. Xyloid – Resembling wood or woody tissue.
  122. Xenodochium – A guest house or hospice for strangers or travelers, especially in ancient Greece and Rome.
  123. Xanthoproteic – Relating to the yellow color produced by the action of nitric acid on proteins.
  124. Xylography – The art or process of engraving on wood.
  125. Xenogenesis – The generation of offspring markedly different from the parent.
  126. Xenobiology – A branch of biology that studies extraterrestrial life.
  127. Xenobiotic – A chemical substance that is foreign to the biological system.
  128. Xerophile – An organism, such as a plant, that thrives in dry, arid conditions.
  129. Xenolith – A rock fragment that becomes enveloped in a larger rock during the latter’s development.
  130. Xylography – The art of making engravings on wood.
  131. Xerophilous – Thriving in or tolerant of dry, arid conditions.
  132. Xylose – A sugar found in wood or straw.
  133. Xenogamy – Cross-fertilization between different plants.
  134. Xerothermic – Relating to or characterized by hot and dry conditions.
  135. Xanthic – Of or relating to a yellow color.
  136. Xenogenesis – The production of offspring markedly different from the parent.
  137. Xenoplastic – Relating to xenografts or the transplantation of tissue between different species.
  138. Xylocarp – A hard, woody fruit, like that of the coconut or the pomegranate.
  139. Xerothermic – Characterized by heat and dryness.
  140. Xanthorrhoea – A genus of flowering plants native to Australia, commonly known as grass trees.
  141. Xerophthalmia – Dryness of the eye surface due to deficiency of tears.
  142. Xiphoid – Relating to the xiphoid process of the sternum.
  143. Xylometer – An instrument used to measure the specific gravity of wood.
  144. Xenobiotic – A substance that is foreign to the body or to an ecological system.
  145. Xylograph – An engraving on wood.
  146. Xanthochroid – Having light-colored hair and a fair complexion.
  147. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood, as certain insects.
  148. Xanthophyte – A member of a class of algae that is yellow-green in color.
  149. Xerophthalmia – A condition characterized by dryness of the eyes.
  150. Xylograph – An engraving in wood.
  151. Xerophagy – The practice of eating dry food, especially as a religious observance.
  152. Xanthoma – A skin condition characterized by yellowish fatty deposits under the skin.
  153. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood.
  154. Xerostomia – Dryness of the mouth.
  155. Xylography – The art of engraving on wood.
  156. Xenogenesis – The generation of offspring markedly different from the parent.
  157. Xenomania – An inordinate attachment to foreign things.
  158. Xenotropic – Refers to viruses that replicate in cells other than those of their host species.
  159. Xenoplastic – Relating to the transplantation of tissue between different species.
  160. Xylograph – An engraving on wood.
  161. Xerox – A company that manufactures photocopy machines.
  162. Xyloglyphy – The art of wood carving.
  163. Xenogenetic – Referring to the production of offspring different from the parent.
  164. Xanthophyll – A yellow or brown carotenoid plant pigment.
  165. Xylotomy – The preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination.
  166. Xanthous – Yellow or yellowish.
  167. Xeroxing – The act of making a photocopy using a Xerox machine.
  168. Xerox – A trademark for a photocopying process or machine.
  169. Xyloid – Resembling wood; woody.
  170. Xanthochromia – Yellowish discoloration, especially of the skin or cerebrospinal fluid.
  171. Xenogamy – Cross-fertilization between different plants.
  172. Xanthorrhoea – A genus of Australian plants known as grass trees.
  173. Xenogenesis – The production of offspring markedly different from the parent.
  174. Xenon – A chemical element with symbol Xe and atomic number 54.
  175. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood.
  176. Xylophonic – Pertaining to the xylophone or the sound it produces.
  177. Xenogenesis – The generation of offspring markedly different from the parent.
  178. Xylography – The art of making woodcuts or wood engravings.
  179. Xenophobe – A person with a fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers.
  180. Xylotomy – The preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination.
  181. Xerophyte – A plant adapted to living in dry, arid conditions.
  182. Xanthoma – A skin condition characterized by yellowish fatty deposits under the skin.
  183. Xerox – A brand name used for photocopying.
  184. Xenobiotic – A chemical compound foreign to a living organism.
  185. Xylograph – An engraving on wood.
  186. Xanthophyll – A yellow or brown carotenoid plant pigment.
  187. Xenogenetic – Referring to the production of offspring different from the parent.
  188. Xanthic – Of or pertaining to a yellow color.
  189. Xylotomous – Capable of cutting or boring into wood.
  190. Xenogamy – Cross-fertilization between different plants.
  191. Xenoplastic – Relating to the transplantation of tissue between different species.
  192. Xerophyte – A plant adapted to living in very dry conditions.
  193. Xerostomia – Abnormal dryness of the mouth.
  194. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood.
  195. Xerox – A trademarked brand of photocopying machines.
  196. Xyloid – Resembling wood or woody tissue.
  197. Xanthorrhoea – A genus of flowering plants native to Australia.
  198. Xeric – Characterized by or adapted to a dry environment.
  199. Xenogenic – Originating in another species.
  200. Xenolith – A piece of rock of different origin from the igneous rock in which it is embedded.
  201. Xeroderma – A medical condition characterized by dry, rough skin.
  202. Xylograph – An engraving in wood.
  203. Xenophobia – Fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners.
  204. Xanthoma – A yellowish deposit of fat under the skin.
  205. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood, as certain insects do.
  206. Xerostomia – Dryness of the mouth.
  207. Xenogenesis – The production of offspring markedly different from the parent.
  208. Xanthophyll – A yellow pigment found in plants.
  209. Xylology – The study of wood.
  210. Xyloglyphy – The art of carving or engraving on wood.
  211. Xenon – A chemical element with symbol Xe.
  212. Xerophilous – Thriving in or tolerant of dry, arid conditions.
  213. Xylography – The art of engraving on wood.
  214. Xylose – A sugar found in wood or straw.
  215. Xerox – A brand of photocopier.
  216. Xanthopsia – A visual condition where things appear yellowish.
  217. Xylotomous – Capable of cutting or boring into wood.
  218. Xylograph – An engraving on wood.
  219. Xeric – Relating to or characterized by dry conditions.
  220. Xenodiagnosis – The use of a live organism to detect the presence of a pathogen.
  221. Xerophthalmia – Abnormal dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye.
  222. Xylophonic – Pertaining to the sound or tone quality of a xylophone.
  223. Xerophagy – The practice of eating dry food, especially as a religious observance.
  224. Xenogenetic – Of or relating to the production of offspring different from the parent.
  225. Xylography – The art or process of engraving on wood.
  226. Xylocarp – A fruit with a hard, woody pericarp.
  227. Xerothermic – Characterized by hot and dry conditions.
  228. Xenogamy – Fertilization by pollen from a different plant.
  229. Xyloglyphy – The art of wood carving.
  230. Xenobiotic – A chemical substance foreign to a biological system.
  231. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood.
  232. Xylogenesis – The formation of wood.
  233. Xanthic – Pertaining to or containing yellow pigment.
  234. Xenophobe – A person who dislikes or fears people from other countries.
  235. Xylotomy – The preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination.
  236. Xenodochial – Friendly to strangers.
  237. Xylocarp – A hard, woody fruit, like that of the coconut.
  238. Xenogenesis – The production of offspring markedly different from the parent.
  239. Xerothermic – Relating to or characterized by hot and dry conditions.
  240. Xanthorrhoea – A genus of Australian plants known as grass trees.
  241. Xylograph – An engraving on wood.
  242. Xeric – Characterized by or adapted to a dry environment.
  243. Xenotropic – A term used to describe viruses that replicate in cells other than those of their host species.
  244. Xerophilous – Thriving in or tolerant of dry, arid conditions.
  245. Xyloglyphy – The art of carving or engraving on wood.
  246. Xylograph – An engraving in wood.
  247. Xenoplastic – Relating to the transplantation of tissue between different species.
  248. Xerophyte – A plant adapted to living in dry conditions.
  249. Xerox – A brand name for a photocopier, often used generically.
  250. Xanthophyll – A yellow or brown carotenoid plant pigment.
  251. Xenogenesis – The generation of offspring markedly different from the parent.
  252. Xyloglyphy – The art of wood carving.
  253. Xylography – The art of making woodcuts or wood engravings.
  254. Xerothermic – Characterized by heat and dryness.
  255. Xylotomous – Capable of cutting or boring into wood.
  256. Xylose – A sugar derived from wood.
  257. Xenolithic – Containing or relating to xenoliths.
  258. Xeric – Characterized by or adapted to a dry environment.
  259. Xerophytic – Adapted to dry conditions.
  260. Xylotomy – The preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination.
  261. Xylotomous – Capable of cutting or boring into wood.
  262. Xyloglyphy – The art of carving or engraving on wood.
  263. Xylograph – An engraving on wood.
  264. Xerophilous – Thriving in or tolerant of dry, arid conditions.
  265. Xylotomous – Capable of cutting or boring into wood.
  266. Xylogenesis – The formation of wood.
  267. Xenon – A heavy, colorless, odorless noble gas used in lighting and anesthesia.
  268. Xylography – The art of making engravings on wood.
  269. Xylophonic – Pertaining to or resembling the sound of a xylophone.
  270. Xenophobe – A person who dislikes or fears people from other countries.
  271. Xanthorrhoea – A genus of flowering plants native to Australia.
  272. Xylotomy – The preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination.
  273. Xerophyte – A plant adapted to living in very dry conditions.
  274. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood.
  275. Xylotomous – Capable of cutting or boring into wood.
  276. Xylotomy – The preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination.
  277. Xerophilous – Thriving in or tolerant of dry, arid conditions.
  278. Xylocarp – A hard, woody fruit.
  279. Xeric – Relating to or characterized by dry conditions.
  280. Xanthorrhoea – A genus of Australian plants known as grass trees.
  281. Xerox – A trademark for a photocopying process or machine.
  282. Xylograph – An engraving on wood.
  283. Xerophytic – Adapted to dry conditions.
  284. Xylotomy – The preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination.
  285. Xyloglyphy – The art of carving or engraving on wood.
  286. Xylogenesis – The formation of wood.
  287. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood.
  288. Xylography – The art of engraving on wood.
  289. Xenogenesis – The production of offspring markedly different from the parent.
  290. Xylophone – A musical instrument with wooden bars struck by mallets.
  291. Xenophobic – Having a fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers.
  292. Xylotomy – The preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination.
  293. Xerox – A brand name for a photocopy machine, often used generically.
  294. Xylograph – An engraving on wood.
  295. Xerophyte – A plant adapted to living in very dry conditions.
  296. Xyloglyphy – The art of carving or engraving on wood.
  297. Xerox – A trademark for a photocopying process or machine.
  298. Xylography – The art of making woodcuts or wood engravings.
  299. Xylogenesis – The formation of wood.
  300. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood.

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